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Heating Cooling Loads

1. Environmental Criteria

The following data provides the designer with general values for assessing heating and cooling loads applicable to air conditioning and heating plant.

Heating load calculations are carried out to estimate the heat loss from the building in winter so as to arrive at required heating capacities. Normally during winter months the peak heating load occurs before sunrise and the outdoor conditions do not vary significantly throughout the winter season. In addition, internal heat sources such as occupants or appliances are beneficial as they compensate some of the heat losses.

For estimating cooling loads, one has to consider the unsteady state processes, as the peak cooling load occurs during the day time and the outside conditions also vary significantly throughout the day due to solar radiation. In addition, all internal sources (such as occupants or appliances, equipment – fridges, photocopies machines, computers, lamps etc.) add on to the cooling loads and neglecting them would lead to underestimation of the required cooling capacity and the possibility of not being able to maintain the required indoor conditions.

The table below provide only the estimated data (heating cooling loads) in accordance with the latest industry regulations and standards.
In order to know the exact data, make calculations for your building, please contact us.

2. Summary Heating Cooling Loads

Building or Load TypeLoad in W/m2 of Floor Area
Heat loss45 – 100
Boiler power50 – 160
Cooling capacity80 – 140
Chiller capacity80 – 140
Heat loss50 – 90
Boiler power150 – 300
Cooling load150 – 300
Chiller capacity120 – 320
Heat loss60 – 160
Boiler power150 – 300
Cooling load150 – 300
Chiller capacity120 – 320
Heat loss100 – 160
Boiler power200 – 250
Cooling load200 – 300
Chiller capacity200 – 300
Heat loss40 – 80
Boiler power80 – 170
Heat loss50 – 90
Boiler power120 – 200
University Buildings
Heat loss60 – 120
Boiler power170 – 370
Cooling load150 – 250
Chiller capacity380 – 590
Heat loss80 – 120
Boiler power145 – 260
Sports Centres (*with Pool)
Heat loss50 – 120
Boiler capacity300 – 600*
Heat loss40 – 100
Boiler power100 – 400
Cooling load125 – 300
Chiller capacity150 – 400
Warehouses (those with ambient temperature control)
Heat loss40 – 80
Boiler power80 – 140

Calculating Heating Load

We correctly size a heating unit for building to determine building heating load, the amount of heat needed to keep building warm on the coldest night of the year.
Calculations include factors such as the size of rooms, the amount and type of furniture, equipment in each room, and building layout. To account for heat loss, calculations include details about windows, doors, and vents, as well as measurements of your home’s insulation.

Calculating Cooling Load

To determine the right size cooling unit for building, we also calculate cooling load — the amount of heat to remove from building to keep it cool during an afternoon of the hottest month of the year.
An accurate cooling load calculation accounts for heat sources in building such as people, pets, lighting, and appliances. This calculation also includes heat that enters building through your windows, roof, and outdoor vents.

At REMARS, we use industry standards, regulations to help measure effective heating and cooling loads for buildings. Call us or send us email to help you properly size new HVAC equipment.

Get in touch…

we can help you get an accurate HVAC load calculation for your next project.

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